d heju
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Personal data - diagnosis

Personal data

Visible name: heju
Ctry: Deutschland
Year of birth: 1957
Age: 67
Occupation: in Pension
Hobbies: Wandern Schwimmen Selbst Fliegen
My Website:

Data at initial diagnosis

Date: 10.07.2024
Age at diagnosis: 66
PSA: 5.81
Biopsied? Yes
Gleason Score: 3 + 4 = 7a
TNM-Stages: T2c N0 M0
Remark: Verhältnis 90/10

Maximum measured prostate volume

Date: 10.07.2024
PSA: 5.81
Volume in ml or cm³: 51

Postoperative pathological data

Date: 25.07.2024
Gleason Score: 3 + 4 = 7a
pTNM-classification: T2c N0 M0
Margins: R0
p-L-V-P-G-Findings: p1V0L0L0M0
See stories of:

Prostate cancer treatments

** PSA level at the start of the treatment
from to PSA** Type Clinic City
01.01.11 01.01.23 3.90 Watchful Waiting
01.01.23 01.01.24 4.20 Active Surveillance
22.07.24 5.80 DaVinci


NEM = Nutritional supplement
from to Medication Quantity / unit of time
Quantity per D / M / Y etc.

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