Instructions for registration and recording your own prostate cancer history

What benefits do you get by recording your prostate cancer story on

  • Your prostate cancer data will be collected in a standardised form and will therefore be easy to compare from others.
  • PSA progression and the course of other selectable series of measurements are shown graphically.
  • The PSA doubling times are calculated automatically for four different measurement periods.
  • You can print out your medical history and take with you when you are changing the physician or if you are hospitalized.
  • You can subscribe updates of the stories of prostate cancer by other users and thereby track their medical history instantly!
  • If you participate in a forum, you can provide a link to your story on in the forum.
  • The view of your medical history and your data about your prostate cancer is very important and useful for those who want to help and advise you.
What you should consider when you are publishing your data and writing a story about your prostate cancer.

Remember while creating your report that you are writing it not only for yourself but also for other people who want to get informed or are looking for help concerning the subject of prostate cancer expieriences.
These people want to know:
  • What prostata cancer examinations (e.g. biopsy, spectroscopy, etc.) you have undergone, how you have experienced these and what diagnoses have been made.
  • How and why you have opted for the prostate cancer treatments and therapies you mentioned.
  • How you have experienced these therapies and treatments, and whether you would do these again to fight your prostate cancer.
  • How quickly you have recovered from a treatment (e.g. operation, radiation therapy, chemo-therapy, etc.).
  • Whether and which side effects occurred during and after the prostate cancer treatment and how you have experienced these.
  • Your other positive or negative prostate cancer experiences.
  • Which drugs and dietary supplements you take to minimze the growth of your prostate cancer.
  • Whether you changed your lifestyle and your diet. If so, how and what.
  • What you would do always again and what you would not do anymore in regard to fight your prostate cancer.
  • How fit you feel physically and mentally.
It is up to you whether you write short or long, humorous or factual reports and stories about your experiences with the prostate cancer. Updates would be desirable after at least 6 months. Keep in mind that people seeking help are more interested in your physical and mental reactions as in long lab reports.

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