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12.06.2011 - -
I am finishing up my Radiation treatment at Dr. Dattoli's in Sarasota Florida stopping next monday the 8th of August. Just will be waiting for my psa blood work soon after that to see if the treatment worked like they said it would. It's been a trying time with the fatigue of the radiation. I get two treatments a day while the other patients get one. This is because they found a suspicious spot on my left rib and they don't know what it is so they are radiating that spot too. So I am actually getting 78 treatments, no wonder I am so tired. Can't wait to get home and hug the family since I have been away nine weeks at conclusion.
Thanks to the staff and technicians at Dattoli's they are the real heros as far as I am concerned. Will update later to give you my undeterminite PSA LOL. I am a patient of Dr. "snuffy " Myers in Charlottesville Virginia. But I live in Columbus Ohio

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