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25.02.2011 0.00 25.02.11
I live in Virginia, USA and was diagnosed in March 2010. My initial PSA was 5.97 ng/ml, Gleason Score was 5 + 5 = 10 and was staged T1c. My choice of treatment was Radical prostatectomy.

In late 2009, at my annual physical, the DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) seemed okay, but my PSA had risen to a new high level (5.97). I saw a urologist, who had the PSA test was repeated and the result was 5.76.

I had a biopsy on March 3, 2010. The results were four positive readings (out of 12) and all had a Gleason of 5+5 for a 10! I considered external beam radiation treatments but decided on surgery.
Based on my records, the surgeon recommended an open procedure rather than the Da Vinci. My surgeon does about 100 prostate surgeries a year with half using the Da Vinci robot and half being the radical open procedure. He recommended that I have the open procedure since he wanted to have a wider view and take my lymph nodes to determine if the cancer had spread beyond the prostate.

Six weeks after the surgery, I received my pathology report and the cancer had not penetrated the capsule. The main tumor as fairly small, but two additional, very small tumors were in the other lobe. The post-surgery Gleason was still rated as a 10. My first PSA test was at six weeks and the PSA at that time was undetectable.
Since my surgery I have had four PSA tests (June 14, August 20, November 19, and February 25). All were undetectable. Now I go to having the PSA test every six months.

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