gb Pierre le Brocq
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Personal stories

28.08.2011 3.00 28.08.11
So far, so good, except for the "castration effect". I understand that to survive my cancer, I need to be chemically castrated, but it's no fun! hoping that after 2 years of Zoladex following treatment, some of the old pleasures may return.
17.07.2012 0.50 07.07.12
After IBRT and continuing ADT for 2 years, PSA is dropping, but still slowly. Realise now life will never be the same as before. Started Megace 40mg to try to improve hot flushes. Works OK, but still get 4-5 a day, but less intense.
19.11.2012 0.40 19.11.12
Had a PSA test early October... came out 0.8, an increase. Decided this was possibly the Megastrol Acetate, so stopped immediately. New test 6 weeks later, down to 0.4. On the right track again. Next test 6 weeks.
17.01.2013 0.50 08.01.13
PSA seems to have hit nadir at about 0.5: I was hoping for less than 0.1. Hot flushes back 6-8 times a night, so started 40mg Megestrol Acetate every other day. Flushes back in control after about a week. Hopefully this will not increase my next PSA in April.
20.02.2013 0.50 08.01.13
Decided to cut out Red Meat, Eggs, White meat except chicken and turkey breast occasionally, fried food and processed food. Also started on 1000mg Omega 3, and 2 x 500mg Curcumin daily, all to try to reduce my PSA further..
08.04.2013 0.40 08.04.13
PSA 0.4 so hopefully new diet is helping a little. Still hope to hit 0.1 before I stop ADT next January.
10.07.2013 0.20 08.07.13
Diet seems to be working. Stopped Megastrol Acetate in April due to concerns about the effect on PSA. Will continue with diet and have now cut out all meat.
20.10.2013 0.20 13.10.13
PSA stable. Sticking with the diet. Now had last Decapeptyl Injection.
17.01.2014 0.10 07.01.14
Finally got down to PSA 0.1. Now on 6 monthly PSA tests, and staying with diet and supplements (Omega 3, Curcumin and Vitamin D3).
19.01.2015 0.10 19.01.15
Off Decapeptyl now for a year. PSA was "less than 0.1" for 2014, but back up to 0.1 now.

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