e Luis1945
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My Story

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Last PSA from

Personal stories

24.09.2012 0.01 24.09.12
I was detected PCa on December 2007 following a PSA increase up to 4.95 and subsequent biopsy. Results rendered a 3+3 Gleason adenocarcinoma, and after careful consideration I had a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy on Feb 4, 2008 which confirmed Gleason score. Fortunately, PSA values have consistently resulted in 0.01 every six months after surgery except for the one before last which showed 0.02 (probably due to "background noise").
30.03.2013 0.01 25.03.13
Latest semester result for PSA continues to be 0.01. Time elapsed from LPR surgery is over 5 years. Obviously, I feel extremely satisfied with the outcome. Although decisions on how to cope and proceed with this sort of PCas are very personal and vary with circumstances, at this time I am totally convinced that, up to a certain age, any low PSA Pca with high probability of being organ confined should be very seriously considered for LPR surgery. Oncological and urological results are usually very satisfactory and any ED problems can be dealt with applying just a bit of patience.
30.03.2014 0.01 27.03.14
Two more semester PSA controls continue to render a level of 0.01. Six years from LRP. The yearly urological ecography finds everything in good condition. I obviously feel very well, and will continue with semester checkups.

30.09.2014 0.01 25.09.14
Six and a half years from LPR. PSA absolutely flat at 0.01. Total satisfaction about my decision for radical prostatectomy and having retired my prostate to the "waste basket". The best place for it !!
13.12.2015 0.01 25.09.15
Both 2015 PSA tests have rendered 0.01. Almost eight years since LRP. It feels as if it never happened. Anyhow, my best
wishes and Merry Christmas to all members of this group and their families.
04.04.2017 0.02 23.03.17
The three latest semester PSA tests continue to result in 0.01/0.02 readings. Therefore, more of the same.
9 years from LRP surgery. No further comments.

Best wishes to all of you.

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