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Personal stories

01.06.2009 - -
Consulted GP about slow urine flow. Confirmed by flow test and DRE diagnosed slightly swollen prostate. PSA measured - 1.5. Referred to specialist for TURP operation as prostate cancer was not suspected.
20.12.2009 - -
TUR-P 20 December 2009
(Nuffield Hospital, Chester)
Found Gleeson 7 (4+3) PCa
January 2010 Bone scan and MRI. Picked up arthritis hot spots, but otherwise no evidence of spread of cancer.
20.02.2010 1.50 08.01.10
LRP 20 February 2010 in Priory Hospital, Birmingham.

Follow-up to operation:
PCa now Gleeson 6(3+3) found to have been contained in prostate capsule. Lymph nodes and nerves ok (sigh of relief).

Big problem with incontinence post operation. Started on Detrusitol to try to reduce bladder spasms. Also suffering from a lot of perineal aches and pains. Unable to control these with Tylenol or Co-codamol.
05.06.2010 0.01 01.06.10
June 2010 visit to urologist:
PSA 0.01 so cancer beaten to all intents and purposes.
Switch to ibruprofen for pain control and to bring down inflammation. Follow up in three months with possible cystoscapy to look for sphincter damage. Short term physio planned to combat incontinence. Started to use NeuroTrak PelviTone TENS machine.
11.08.2010 0.01 01.06.10
Perineal pain gone completely. Have written to uro with symptoms so he can decide whether to do a cystoscopy or normal consultation at the end of the month. Sphincter must have realised because it is trying to behave normally....nearly.....

31/8/2010 Follow up meeting with urologist. Steady progress noted, no futher action proposed for the time being. Review in February next year.

So the current state is all symptoms now gone apart from the leakage when standing and walking. If I have a fairly active day, there is no option but to use the Colplast external catheter. When not standing or walking, control is much better now.
21.01.2011 0.10 06.12.10
Saw consultant. Incontinence no better. He is looking at options of AUS or sling.
31.05.2011 0.01 17.02.11
Implant of AdVance (bulbar) sling in the Parkway Hospital, Birmingham.

4/6/2011. The sling is working better than I could have hoped. Essentially I am now dry, at last.

Follow up at Birmingham, 14/6/2011
21.11.2012 0.10 10.01.12
Not quite so dry now. Need to use Dribblestop to make sure I don't leak.

Sling definitely not as effective as it was. Inguinal hernia diagnosd. Waiting to see uro and hernia specialist. Concerned about FDA discouraging use of surgical mesh (used by the sling and hernia repairs....).
17.05.2013 0.10 10.01.12
Hernia operation completed and swelling going down. No change to incontinence. Being referred to urologist.

Ultrasound of pelvic area found "nothing unusual". No urine retention.

Level of incontinence - depending on the level of activity during the day, between 50ml and 200ml loss (i.e. 1 - 2 Tena Level 1 pads. Exceptionally three per day).
17.11.2013 0.10 22.07.13
Incontinence Characteristics:

Night : Completely dry. Sleeping through, or sometimes one trip to bathroom per night. Sphincter holds until I can reach the bathroom.

Daytime : Steady leakage, severity depending on the level of activity. Between 50ml and 200ml per day (one to two Tena level 1 pads).

Apart from the steady leakage, sphincter is holding reasonably well. Sphincter can be released to allow full flow, and sometimes needs a push to overcome the resistance of the bulbar sling to start the flow and to complete the emptying of the bladder.

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