The following persons have choosen an other alternative medicine as their initial or subsequent treatment: 
L ST Personal information Details at diagnosis Initial treatment Second treatment Third treatment
    Name Age Ctry Stars Date Age PSA GS T-Stad. Date PSA Treatment Date PSA Treatment Date PSA Treatment
EN Pierrot.en 78 ch 27.07.09 63 5.5 + 24.07.09 5.5 Watchful Wait.
EN F EricW 64 aus 28.07.09 49 4.0 3+3 08.09.09 4.0 Open surgery
EN F Wayne 77 usa 20.08.07 60 4.0 3+4 11.10.07 4.0 DaVinci
EN F michaelshn 73 aus 11.05.06 55 3.3 4+5 11.05.06 3.3 Open surgery 21.04.10 0.1 IMRT 06.10.11 0.0 ADT2
EN F JohnA(eh?) 77 cdn 03.04.11 64 7.0 + 18.09.11 5.1 IMRT
EN F Dan Kasper 69 usa 11.04.12 57 71.4 4+3 06.11.12 71.4 ADT1 01.08.14 0.1 other ADT 18.03.16 0.1 interm. ADT
EN F HerbertPrater 29 usa 05.03.93 -2 55.0 +
EN F Marbuse-1951 73 d 09.04.18 67 55.2 5+5 10.09.18 1.2 IMRT+ADT 17.10.18 1.2 Protons+ADT
EN F KarlEmagne 59 cdn 01.04.19 54 13.3 4+3
EN Claus Lohmar 60 gb 01.07.16 52 5.2 3+4 01.03.16 8.2 Active Surv. 24.09.20 3.3 IMRT+ADT
EN F williamsjeff 28 usa 07.09.98 2 1.0 +
EN F LesB1947 77 cdn 19.08.08 61 12.0 3+4 2 19.08.08 10.0 Watchful Wait. 20.02.09 12.0 ADT1 19.11.09 0.0 Open surgery
EN F richard 60 pl 06.12.11 47 6.0 3+3 pT2c 14.12.11 6.0 Open surgery
EN U Roger Carnell 82 usa 16.10.09 67 4.6 3+3 T1C 16.10.09 4.6 Active Surv.
EN F JPW1944 80 usa 03.07.08 64 5.8 3+3 T1c 10.12.08 5.2 HDR-Brachy
EN F SteveT 78 t 21.06.07 61 19.6 3+3 T1c 23.07.07 19.2 interm. ADT 23.07.08 12.0 o. alt. med 23.04.10 9.7 o. treatment
EN F Luis1945 79 e 13.12.07 62 5.0 3+3 T1c 04.02.08 5.0 Laparoscopy
EN F PIMarine 71 usa 08.08.17 64 6.6 4+3 T1c 01.10.18 7.1 Open surgery 01.07.20 0.2 Protons
EN F Toby_1962 62 f 27.06.14 52 12.6 3+4 T2 18.07.14 12.6 DaVinci
EN Andreas 47 57 j 24.07.14 47 6.2 3+4 T2c 02.02.15 5.9 Active Surv.
L ST Personal information Details at diagnosis Initial treatment Second treatment Third treatment
    Name Age Ctry Stars Date Age PSA GS T-Stad. Date PSA Treatment Date PSA Treatment Date PSA Treatment
EN F GM 73 cdn 19.12.03 52 80.3 4+4 T3/4 12.01.04 86.8 ADT2 03.03.04 1.1 open surg.+ADT 14.05.04 0.1 ADT3
EN F Don_R 68 usa 15.02.13 57 101 4+5 T4 15.02.13 101 ADT1 04.03.13 98.7 ADT2 20.11.13 35.0 ADT1

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